Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Bus Rider

He wakes up on a rainy day: 
sleep attacks but he fights back!
Gets ready for another day in his routine. 

At this point, shower has been taken and now...
Oh no! Forgot the umbrella, so time for a second unplanned shower, great !

Uff... Finally made it to the bus station at 6:20 am as usual.
The bus does not come until 7:00 am, mm, what to do? 

Patiently he waits and keeps himself attentive so that no one steals his lunch.
Holding his bag tightly he knows lunch is save! 
Time passes... 


Ah... this lady... She always leaves at 7:05 am !
She gets down the bus and goes to the bathroom and then talks to the world itself.

Agh... More waiting... 

Finally on the bus and boom... Sleep attacks again!
His neck becomes a pillow and his head leans slightly to the left to rest on it. 

He knows there are exactly 7 beeps before his stop,
so he keeps his ears wide open. 
Eyes closed, body relaxing, time flies....

And...   7th beep !! 
Eyes wide open, body awake, and back to Earth! 
No more time to spend on his own world.

Quickly presses stop button...beep...gets down at 8th stop!

Just another bus ride in his routine. 

                                                                                     -Jean C. Araya Seas -  May 3rd, 2016

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