Costa Rica, such beautiful country with imaginable landscapes, friendly people and full of natural attractions, was the country where he was born. He grew up with a family based of five people; mom, dad, and two brothers. Being the youngest one, the future was fully unknown to him, the young child only knew stories that his parents and brothers would tell him. One year and eight months separate him from the middle brother and twelve years from the oldest one.
A normal day in his house would go like this:
-Dad: Waaaaaaake up!!!! It is 6 am and it is Sunday, we have to live the day to its fullest and it is no time to be sleeping.
-Nooooo!!!! Let me sleep some more, every day I wake up at 6 am to go to school but during the weekends I want to rest. Are you not sleepy?
-Dad: Hurry up! Let's go buy a baguette for breakfast with natilla and some orange juice.
-But dad, the bakery is CLOSED at this time, are you crazy??
-Well maybe we can go running, ride the bike or do some sports and then go buy all that for breakfast.
-Please let me sleep some more.
(Door closes...)
The door at the side of his room opens...
-Dad: Henry!!! Wake up!! It is 6 am and you are still sleeping, that is impossible!
-Henry (oldest brother): I wake up at 5 am everyday to go to work, please let me rest some more.
(Door closes and another one opens..)
-Dad: Jurgeen!!!! Wake up!!! Let's go get some things for breakfast!
-Jurgen (middle brother): Close the door and turn off the light!
Door closes and screams are heard:
-Mom: GO BACK TO SLEEP!!! It is super early and I am trying to sleep, that you woke up early does not mean that everyone has to wake up, go watch tv to the living room or do something else.
Door opens...
-Dad: I am tired to tell you to wake up. Let's go!!
He grabs his legs and pull him out of the bed even with the blanket all the way until the living room. The youngest was always first.
-Dad: You are awake now, go get ready so we go riding the bike up the mountain.
-Ok... Whispers to himself: like if I have a choice.
Another door opens...
Grabs him from his legs even if he is twenty-five years old and pulls him all the way to the living room. He screams while he is being pulled:
-AAAAHHH!! Let me go!! Whenever I get up I will pick you up and put you back in bed to go to sleep.
A funny oldest brother vs dad fight starts and at the end mom comes out because she cannot sleep...
-Leave them alone!! Let him go, you are going to hurt him!!
-Dad: Mero huevon, he thought he could beat me just because he goes to the gym haha I am full protein while he is full air. Now get ready, let's go riding the bikes.
-Henry: Ok...
Door opens
-I am not going anywhere and even if you pull me to the living room I will fall asleep on the floor.
Mom intervenes and gets dad to stop and door shuts real hard!
The three: Henry, him and dad go riding the bike while mom and Jurgen stay sleeping some more.
Very c'mon morning every single weekend in this household.
As they are riding the bike up the mountain at 6:30 in the morning, the sun starts to rise and the cows eat the green pastures while everything somehow releases a minimal but bright stunning light making everything around it magical.
-Dad: You see all you can miss if you were still asleep!
-Both at the same time: Yes, dad!
They start going up of one of the hardest hills to reach the highest point of the mountain; the hill is so steep and long that it takes a lot of strength, perseveration and around 25 minutes to make it all the way up. When all of a sudden other people riding the bikes up the hill appear in front of them and...
-Dad: C'mon!!!! Hurry up!!! Get going, we have to pass them even if they look far away! Nobody can be in front of us.
The three of them start pedaling harder and harder without showing any weakness until they pass everyone that seems to be in front of them. The other people riding the bike just said hello and kept going slow but the important thing is that now, they were behind.
The last 10 minutes of the hill approach and the three are now fighting to see who can get to the top first. Normally he will get on his feet first to pedal with more strength and faster but then he will get tired and sit down again. Then, the oldest will stand up on the pedals and get some advantage. Dad waited until the very last moment and got up on the pedals and beat them two!!
The way back would be the best... Going down the hill took around 10 minutes since they would go at full speed. But then... the rest of the journey included dad bragging all the time about how he is so old and can still beat them. Then, they would joke and say that they let him so he would feel good. That he wakes up super early to wake other people up and it would be nice for others to beat him after such effort. Laughs and jokes all around with a lot of sarcasm...
Finally, after coming down from Las Nubes in Coronado, they would go to the bakery in downtown of Coronado and it would be open since it was already 8:30 or 9 in the morning. They would buy two baguettes, some Turrialba cheese, orange juice and of course, natilla Dos Pinos. After they would stop by the fruit market and buy a banana for each of them along with some coconut water to regain energy to head back home.
Forty-five minutes after....
-We have arriveeeeed!!!! Is the coffee ready???
No answer....
-Henry: Mmm maybe they are taking a shower since they know we are going to visit Mamarosa today (grandma).
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